This time I'll write using English and Bahasa Indonesia respectively

Well.. I have finished my thesis defense (‘defence’ in British) so it seems I got some free time. What should I do to spend my free time? I’ll finish my last icon set, mod some desktop, and play some games, since I rarely play any games. Yesterday, I got this game called Akiba’s Trip: Undead Undressed, and, hey, this game is interesting. It has all I need, as a self-proclaimed otaku, and as a person who loves Action JRPG.

akiba's trip undead undressed

Ugh.. I don’t feel like writing a blog post for now.. And I don’t know what to write either..

Just installed Ubuntu recently, tweak it all over again, and riced it a little comfy setup. I use sublime text to write this blog post (unregistered version, though, because I’m a poorfag). It’s pretty comfy, really.. Using openbox as my environment, I adapted a very simple setup some Anon posted on desktop thread, unashamedly, but it turns out bretty okay, so why not. I know it’s not original. Fuck original, it’s not like I ever came with something original. I’ll keep being unoriginal as long as my work’s done and all is well.

unoriginal desktop

Just to keep me reminded, here is list of the thing I’d like to do in my free time:

  1. install funtoo

    hell no, a pain in the ass

    • finish icon set
    • design AP
    • ask girlfriend out
    • make a blog post..

I want to make a comic. I want to learn how to draw. I want to.. die.. The GOD of ART, please illuminate me with Your light of hope!! Oooh God.. Damn.. How can someone born with such unfair hand, being able to draw unrealistically awesome drawing. And here, I’m just imagining how cool it will be if I was one of the choosen heroes. I have many interesting idea (interesting for me), but I’m stuck because no matter how many times I tried, I still can’t naturally draw any good thing. fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.. I really need a book called “How to draw Manga for Dummies”.

By the way, recently I watched many animes. In the past, I’ll go for something shonen. Now, I prefer seinen. josei is good too. What is seinen or josei means? Seinen is the adult version of shonen, and josei is the adult version of shojou. By adult, it’s not indecent by any means. It means the show was addressed for adult men. You will be surprised most of seinen anime will be heartwarming and easygoing anime. Not to mention the moe stuff too. K-On, Non Non Biyori, Ika Musume, even Yotsuba&! is seinen. And josei is full of interesting stuff. You will rarely encounter sweet romance stuff, that’s for shojou. Josei stuff is more deep, meaningful in many ways, and sometimes depressed. Like one of my favorite series, Natsume Yuujinchou - Natsume’s Book of Friends. Man, that show is sick. It makes me crazy with all the heartbreaking story. I cried, no time to lay down, I broke down and cried as loud as I could. It touched my deepest feeling. No exaggeration. It’s true. The story is actually simple. A young boy with the ability to interact with ‘youkai’, a supernatural being, like ghost or spirit. Because of this ability which not everyone has, he is considered as a liar by people around him. It’s very ‘nichijou’, slice of life. Everyday’s life, in countryside, a young boy named Natsume tried to avoid youkai as much as he can, but in the end he found himself helping them. Various story involving youkai, really makes my heart aches. It hurts so much, usually I go for Non Non Biyori shortly after finishing one episode just to heal my heart a little.

natsume's book of friends

I think it’s enough. I don’t want to drown in tears again. Sounds like a little girl, but like I said, that’s no exaggeration. It’s really sick. Natsume Yuujinchou is sick.

And, that’s it.. I’ll continue my random talk some other time. Sorry for my broken English, no time for Bahasa Indonesia, I’ll cover it up in the near future. I would like to give some tutorial, but, I don’t have any knowledge left in terms of modding. I’m just a noob. Don’t expect me too much. Well.. bye, hope to see you again