Qtile me, please

Qtile me..

i’m using qtile now, and planning on using it over my xmonad. maybe not, i still love xmonad. but qtile definitely good at layouting. i really fall in love with its TreeTab layout. so, why don’t you give it a try?

here is few tricks to mod qtile. first, you have to know where is your qtile’s conf. it’s inside .config/qtile/config.py

The theme should reference these variables whenever needed.

Workspaces with more edible names

It’s a pain in the ass when you want to config qtile and know nothing about programming and shit, like myself. And i don’t know from right to left how to change workspaces names like i do on monad or subtle.
Open config.py and look for group_names section.

group_names = [
   ("fuck", {}),
   ("this", {}),
   ("shit", {}),
   ("i'm", {}),
   ("done", {}),

groups = [Group(name, **kwargs) for name, kwargs in group_names]

for i, (name, kwargs) in enumerate(group_names, 1):
# mod1 + letter of group = switch to group
    Key([mod], str(i), lazy.group[name].toscreen())

# mod1 + shift + letter of group = switch to & move focused window to group
    Key([mod, "shift"], str(i), lazy.window.togroup(name))

And that’s it. We can use enumerate to read the group names and arrange some shortcut keys to give us proper feel.