May 28th, 2015

Failed Attempt 01

failed attempt 01


May 14th, 2015

Qtile, Ricchan!!

For the love of god, I’m using qtile once again. It’s cool. Simple.

May 5th, 2015

What's New? Working on This Icon Set

Well, i’ve been stuck with my final project. Final final project, that means my undergraduate thesis. I’m working with blender for most part. And i’ve not mastered it yet, even though the deadline is drawing near. Argh, i’m stressed out. And when i’m stressed out, my imagination is overflowing.

May 1st, 2015

Komen o, plis

Sekarang blog enih sudah saya kasi fitur komen. Mau protes, silahkan protes disini, bakalan saya ladeni (kalo sempet).

January 10th, 2015

Idiot guide to Desktop Modding (Bahasa)

Ya kalo mau modding desktop itu mbok ya yang nyadar diri toh..
November 17th, 2014

Monster!! (WIP)

This time, is the time for monsterwm. Lately I use this minimalist wm, yes it’s a tiling wm, and figure something out. Monsterwm is awesome. It comes with pre-config. Much like dwm, you must config the wm before compile it so you can use it. I don’t really like the concept of pre-config wm at first. I think, such a pain in the ass. We must make, make install, then log out from X and relogin. But after using it for a while, I found this wm is pretty customizable.

July 14th, 2014

I'm documenting what i've done (not WIP anymore)

With that said, this time it’s xmonad again. yeah, i’m doing xmonad all over my free time. it’s not like i have much free time, but, it is. i’ve a lot of free time and i don’t know what to do. I hang around my monad over and over again, and you can see, below is my current xmonad setting. probably not the best but i’m not really dissapointed with this one.

May 12th, 2014

Today was a good day

Spoiler HTML code

Today’s Idea

I was talking with my friends about altered dimension, devil, satan, and jinn (?spectral creatures, i guess?) and it’s a nice topic i think..

March 24th, 2014

It's been so long

Long time no see…

Okay, long time no see. and farewell. bye.

January 30th, 2014

Loonix Newfag Here!! And fuck you all (Bahasa)

Baru di dunia Loonix? Baca!!

Buat para pendatang baru di dunia open source, khususnya pada bidang per-kernel-an linux, baca ya. Biar ga tersesat di tengah kerasnya jalan yang penuh konak dan duri, berlumpur dan berpasir. Jangan sok dulu ya, tulisan berikut ini bukan sok menggurui, tapi cuman uneg-uneg pemisuh (baca: penulis) buat bocah-bocah kemaren sore yang belom ngerti susahnya maintenance mesin mu sendiri.